Sunday, February 19, 2012

Some Things That Actually Taste GOOD With Zucchini!!!

Who knew that zucchini could actually taste good?!? Not me. That is, until I went visiting a great gal, who shared some amazing chocolate zucchini bread with me. Holy cow!!! It was so good. Even better than that, she gave me the website where she found the recipe. Here it is:
I liked it so much that after baking the recipe myself, I bought the cookbook from the bloggers linked above. So far everything I've tried has been pretty fantastic. I especially like their recipe for chipotle chocolate chili. Delicious!
But this is a post about zucchini. In my quest to become a better cook, I've also been trying to learn more about food. Like what's healthy and what's not. Besides the obvious stuff. Enter zucchini. Or really, enter vegetables in general! For a long time I've been really good about feeding (by that I mean, making available in the fridge or on the counter and everyone can fend for themselves...) my family fruit. I have several kids who love apples. For a while my now four-year-old was eating at least four (or more) a day...can there be such a thing as too many apples in a day? Doesn't that just keep the doctor extra away?!?? Anyway, we pretty much always have lots of fresh fruit to choose from. Vegetables are a different story though. We are pretty good about eating carrots and cucumbers. But other veggies have a harder time making it into our diet on a regular basis. Ummm, even the cucumbers and carrots do if I'm being totally honest.
That's why I was so excited to find both of these recipes that actually taste good with zucchini. (The pasta one isn't on their website; it's in the cookbook). Of course the bread is delicious, but not really the kind of thing you can eat every day and reach any kind of fitness goals...However, the zucchini chicken pasta was also fantabulous, so I now have a new recipe to add into the rotation. And it has vegetables!!! And we liked it!!! And the kids ate it!!!
Who knew?

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