Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dutch Oven Delights

This summer we invested in our first Dutch oven. We are so excited! Attempting to use it as much as possible on our camping trips has yielded the following conclusions:

1.  Cooking with a Dutch oven is a lot of work!
2.  The results are totally worth it. 

The first recipe we tried was a basic chicken and rice recipe.
 It received a thumbs up from the tasters!
We got a little more creative on our next trip and tried some chicken enchiladas. DELICIOUS!
 Dessert on another day had to be apple crisp. Ahhh, apple crisp. ;-)
I will say that not everything has been a success. We had a fail on the first camping trip with our attempted dessert. It was supposed to be a wonderful pineapple upside down cake. Except that it didn't cook all of the way and we ended up with a gooey mess that smelled great, but was pretty inedible.

Then on our second camping trip I attempted to make biscuits and gravy. The biscuits came out ok, except that we managed to get ash all over them...but the gravy was a total disaster! That same trip my hubby tried to make breakfast on another morning. "Mountain Man Breakfast," consisting of potatoes, sausage and eggs. It would've been good, except our potatoes somehow ended up full of water from staying in the cooler for the first two days. So we choked that one down.

But overall it has been so much fun to cook with our Dutch oven! I have literally been laughing from the pure joy of just trying to figure everything out as we've been cooking. It has been a fun experience.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So. A year has gone by since I began this blog, and admittedly, I haven't been posting as consistently as I would like to. Or even as much as I have thought about posting, which has actually been a lot! I do have lots of pictures saved from my cooking adventures this summer (now that we're well into fall!), and I hope that I will be able to blog about them soon.
But not now.
Now I want to talk about how I have been feeling as the year mark has approached and passed since life changed last year. And I want to talk about validation.
This has been a year of sorrow. It has been a year of trying to maintain a positive attitude and not let my emotions ruin life in the present. It has been a year filled with self-doubt. Especially as a mother. I've noticed the self-doubt gaining more presence in my mind as the year mark was approaching. In relation to this blog I've wondered if there was even a point to what I have been trying to do here. It was starting to seem crazy and self-indulgent. Maybe it is still self-indulgent, but I'm not worried about the crazy part anymore! It does make sense, and I want to direct your attention to an episode of On Point radio with Tom Ashbrook for the explanation.
It was playing as I drove home from book club tonight and it was exactly what I needed to hear. The guest was Adam Gopnik and they were discussing his new book called, The Table Comes First: Family, France, and the Meaning of Food. Let me just say that I can't wait to get the book and read it myself. (Side note...I'm already thinking ahead about whether to switch my book club selection to this book!)

I felt so validated as they were discussing the meaning that food has for people.

....I'm hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year for the family that will be in town. I've never made a turkey before, and it's really intimidating. On that note, I will try to "carve" out some time to get back to this blog. If not for anyone else, it does have meaning for me. And I've been making some yummy stuff that I'd love to share. :-)